PEACE and NATURE trails

Join us on a virtual walk along the Nature and Peace Highlights of the cities of Liberty and Peace. Tour Guide We welcome you to join us on two virtual walks through two cities that are of utmost importance to Peace in the Netherlands. Wageningen, city of Liberty and The Hague, city of Peace. These walks were developed with the covid-19 crisis as a background setting, limiting more people than ever to visit these beautiful cities in person. Therefore, the Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute wan...

The only existing voice recording of the Austrian Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Bertha von Suttner (1843 – 1914).

The only surviving sound recording of Austrian Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bertha von Suttner (1843 - 1914). "Durch eine Recherche in den Tagebuchaufzeichnungen Bertha von Suttners (der Nachlass von Bertha von Suttner befindet sich im Archiv der UN-Bibliothek in Genf) kann mit ziemlicher Sicherheit bestätigt werden, dass es sich bei der Aufnahme um die Stimme von Bertha von Suttner – die auch unter dem Pseudonym B. Oulot (bezogen auf ihren Spitznamen „Boulotte“) publizierte – handelt." The r...

Unveiling Bertha von Suttner – Leymah Gbowee

Leymah Gbowee 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laurate, unveils bust of Bertha von Suttner (1905 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) on August 28, 2013 - the Centenary of the Peace Palace. von Suttner's bust is the first bust of a woman to go into the Peace Palace. von Suttner was the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize and she is credited with inspiring Nobel to create the prize.