In memoriam Leny Durville The Hague *Dec 2nd 1922 + Dec 7th 2019

In September 2019, Leny Durville, 96 years old, was still “tempted “to participate in the presentation of the new Dutch version of “Die Waffen Nieder!” by Bertha von Suttner. It was a beautiful September afternoon celebration in the garden of the Peace Palace. But Leny was too fragile! A week later, On September 26th I saw her for the last time, presenting her the new edition of “De Wapens neer!” On this occasion, she gave me with a box full of documents, all relevant to the UN Resolution 1325 a...

Ms Homeyra Karimivahed from ODVCW visited the Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute

On November 28th 2019, Ms Homeyra Karimivahed from ODVCW visited the Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute. Her association supports Survivors of Chemical weapon attacks in Iran. The ODVCW is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, which is dedicated to informing the international community and international organisations about the human tragedy in sardasht.

Bertha von Suttner Peace Brunch on Peace Day 21 September 2019

Bertha von Suttner’s famous novel Die Waffen nieder! was published in 1889 and translated into English in 1892 as Lay Down your arms!. The International bestseller tells the life story of Martha von Tilling and reaches a broad audience. On Saturday  21st of September you are cordially invited to the Bertha von Suttner Peace Brunch  from 11:00 till 14:00 at 70 Laan van Meerdervoort in The Hague Professor Barbara Burns from Glasgow, UK, will talk about the first English translat...

The only existing voice recording of the Austrian Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Bertha von Suttner (1843 – 1914).

The only surviving sound recording of Austrian Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bertha von Suttner (1843 - 1914). "Durch eine Recherche in den Tagebuchaufzeichnungen Bertha von Suttners (der Nachlass von Bertha von Suttner befindet sich im Archiv der UN-Bibliothek in Genf) kann mit ziemlicher Sicherheit bestätigt werden, dass es sich bei der Aufnahme um die Stimme von Bertha von Suttner – die auch unter dem Pseudonym B. Oulot (bezogen auf ihren Spitznamen „Boulotte“) publizierte – handelt." The r...

English reprint of Lay down your Arms!

The Glasgow University's Great War Project in 2018 resulted also in the re-print of the famous novel of Bertha von Suttner “Lay Down Your Arms!” Editor Dr Barbara Burns, Reader in German and Dean of Graduate Studies University of Glasgow, took the opportunity to reconsider and foreground the various facets of Bertha von Suttner’s achievements. Dr. Burns research took her to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection in Philadelphia, and she gave papers on Bertha von Suttner at several conferences a...

Internship at Bvs Peace Institute closes with dinner

3 Interns who had followed in 2018 and 2019 a summer course at the Hague Academy came also for a mini-internship to the Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute to learn more about the beginnings of the PCA and the creation of Arbitration Societies in the late 19th century. Bertha von Suttner also considered  Arbitration as  an important means to prevent war. Tobias Asser was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1911 and affected a part of the prize money to the Academy, while the Carnegie En...

Impressions from the Bertha von Suttner 175th anniversary event

Saturday, June 9th  Morning guided tour through the arbitration chamber of the Peace Palace by Dr. Peter van den Dungen, (Chair of the Advisory Board of the BvS Peace Institute)  Peace Palace Library Lecture by Dr. Peter van den Dungen Saturday, June 9th Keynote Speakers at the ceremony Marzhan Nurzhan (from Kazakstan) Abolition 2000 and ICAN In the Footsteps of Bertha von Suttner Dr. Heinz Fischer (Former President of Austria) Peace Policy from...