Women in WWI two lesson sequence

Published on the centenary of the first International Congress of Women on 28 April 1915, this two-lesson sequence allows students to explore independently the wide range of activities women were engaged in during World War I (WWI) and ask, are women the real peacemakers? Students will become experts in the stories they discover about women who strove for peace, supported the war, worked, campaigned for suffrage or tried to help the victims of war. Click here to download the the lessons (pdf)...

Bertha von Suttner in The Hague

The Permanent Court of Arbitration : after the first Peace Conference, The Hague became the permanent site for the first international institute for peace and justice, ever. The permanence of this court has nothing to do with having the judges in The Hague all the time. There was a list of judges who where available for causes and countries who were interested in arbitrage settlement could choose out of a list the judges of their taste. The judges then came temporarily to the Hague. Only the...

BvS peace trail

Or click here. Depart from Central Station by tram 9 passing Koninginnegracht 6 where the press center was based during the Second Peace conference. From Kurhaus, take tram 1 to Peace Palace visitor center to learn about the PCA (cour d'arbitrage). From there, take bus 24 to Kneuterdyk, Diligentia theater, Royal Palace Noordeinde. From there, go to Wateler at Kettingstraat, Deux-Villes, Binnenhof/Ridderzaal. From there, go to Spinoza monument and Yi Jun museum.

Discover Peace Walk, The Hague

Peace Palace, visitor center. The permanent exhibition explains the functionning of the PCA, the ICJ, and the creation of the Peace Palace and the Peace Palace Library. World Peace Flame monument, with stones from many countries. Take tram 1 direction Kurhaus. Bertha von Suttner, the first woman to receive the Peace Nobel Prize, was the spokeswoman of the international peace movement before the first World War. She participated in the first and the second The Hague Peace Conferen...

Den Haag: stad van vrede en recht

Link to the original page : https://anemaa.home.xs4all.n/ges/geschiedenis_den_haag_stad_van_recht_en_vrede.htm De titel Stad van vrede en recht kan Den Haag zich aanmeten sinds in 1899 de Eerste Internationale Vredesconferentie in Den Haag werd gehouden. De conferentie behaalde niet helemaal het gewenste resultaat voor ontwapening en vrede, maar de naam van Den Haag was gevestigd. Telkens als er zich iets nieuws voordeed op het gebied van vrede dacht men aan Den Haag als vestigingsplaats....

Die Wege der Bertha von Suttner

Eine Spurensuche in Wien, Schloss Harmannsdorf und Gotha Von Adolf Stock See http://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/pazifismus-die-wege-der-bertha-von-suttner.974.de.html?dram:article_id=285340 "Wo Männer fechten, hat das Weib zu schweigen!" Nicht nur der Rechtsgelehrte Felix Dahn, auch Schriftsteller wie Rainer Maria Rilke, Stefan Zweig oder Karl Krauss haben sich um 1900 über die Friedenaktivistin Bertha von Suttner mokiert. "Erstmal war sie eine wunderschöne Frau. Und das ist ja auch gan...

Bertha von Suttner: A Life for Peace

Brigitte Hamann’s book Bertha von Suttner: A Life for Peace has recently been translated into Japanese by Osamu Itoigawa, Mitsuo Nakamura and late Morio Minami was published in June (Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.) An ordering address is 6-9-5 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 Japan. They are also the translators of Lay Down Your Arms!

Die Frau der Zukunft vor 100 Jahren

7 vergessene feministische Utopien aus den Jahren 1899 - 1914 ; [von Frauen zur Emanzipation und Frauenwelt der Zukunft ; Jubiläumsausgabe anlässlich des 10-jährigen Verlagsbestehens zum 100. Internationalen Frauentag am 19. März 2011] / [mit Einl., Biographien, Bibliogr. und Nachw. hrsg. von Detlef Münch] In german. Source: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Global Campaign for Peace Education

http://www.haguepeace.org/index.php?action=pe The Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE) seeks to develop the capacities, in teachers and learners, to face challenges of unprecedented proportion: the continued development of weapons of mass destruction, armed conflicts between states and ethnic groups, the spread of racism, gender inequality, community violence, the huge and widening gap between the rich and the poor throughout the globalized economy, massive violations of human rights an...