DIE WAFFEN NIEDER! Crowdfunding of Peace Palace Library results in New Dutch Translation of Lay down your weapons! (in dutch)

Op Peace day, 21 September 2019, werd in het Vredespaleis het boek "De Wapens neer!" , in  een  moderne Nederlandse vertaling  aangeboden aan de UNESCO voorzitter Kathleen Ferrier en een kleine 70 crowd funders. De vertaling die nu voorligt werd geschreven door Lilian Caris en Iris van der Blom; de uitgeverij is Orlando (genoemd naar Virginia Woolf's "Orlando"). Eindelijk is het boek weer verkrijgbaar (in de boekhandel en bij het Vredespaleis) en daar dient dank voor te worden ...

Lecture on Dr. Timothy Holmes for the International Peace Day

To commemorate the International Peace Day (21 September 2019), the Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute was pleased to host in The Hague a lecture by visiting academic Dr Barbara Burns (University of Glasgow) on the subject ‘Timothy Holmes: English Translator of Bertha von Suttner’s novel Die Waffen nieder!’ The lecture focused on the London surgeon who translated Die Waffen nieder! into English in 1892. Holmes was an eminent medical scholar and editor of the famous Gray’s Anatomy, for...

Exploring Betty A. Reardon’s Perspective on Peace Education

Looking Back, Looking Forward Editors: Snauwaert, Dale T. The book offers an exploration of the work of Betty A. Reardon, a pioneer in education for peace and human rights  Betty A. Reardon (born 12 June 1929) is the founder and director of the Peace Education Center and Peace Education Graduate Degree Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a leader in peace education and a scholar in human rights education at the primary and secondary levels. She is also consider...

Bertha von Suttner: A Life for Peace

Brigitte Hamann’s book Bertha von Suttner: A Life for Peace has recently been translated into Japanese by Osamu Itoigawa, Mitsuo Nakamura and late Morio Minami was published in June (Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.) An ordering address is 6-9-5 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 Japan. They are also the translators of Lay Down Your Arms!

Alfred Nobel’s Thoughts about War and Peace

https://www.nobelprize.org/alfred_nobel/biographical/articles/tagil/ When Alfred Nobel's will was made known after his death in San Remo on 10 December 1896, and when it was disclosed that he had established a special peace prize, this immediately created a great international sensation. The name Nobel was connected with explosives and with inventions useful to the art of making war, but certainly not with questions related to peace. Alfred Nobel's will prescribed that the Peace Prize was to...

Die Frau der Zukunft vor 100 Jahren

7 vergessene feministische Utopien aus den Jahren 1899 - 1914 ; [von Frauen zur Emanzipation und Frauenwelt der Zukunft ; Jubiläumsausgabe anlässlich des 10-jährigen Verlagsbestehens zum 100. Internationalen Frauentag am 19. März 2011] / [mit Einl., Biographien, Bibliogr. und Nachw. hrsg. von Detlef Münch] In german. Source: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek