Georgian Bertha von Suttner Peace Prize 2020

Past August 2020, the second Georgian Bertha von Suttner Peace Prize has been awarded to Julia Khrashvili, Chairwoman of the Georgian Association of IDP Women. One of the aspects in common with the life of Bertha is the road from Sukhumi to Zugdidi, with old and recent memories of war. The Bertha von Suttner Peace … Lire la suite

Bertha von Suttner at the cradle of World Peace

Eveline Blitz ( author) wrote a Dutch booklet for adolescents: Bertha von Suttner aan de wieg voor wereldvrede, on the occasion of the centenary of the Peace Palace in  2014. It was translated into English, French and German and is available in the webshop of the Peace Place Library The Hague. Bertha von Suttner at … Lire la suite

Georgia is proud of Bertha von Suttner

On the occasion of the 177th Anniversary of Bertha von Suttner, Salome Adamia, initiator  of the 1st Georgian Peace Prize named after Bertha von Suttner (June 2019) Created in cooperation with the Austrian Embassy in Georgia a beautiful poster in Georgian Languae. The original German words of Bertha von Suttner are full of wisdom „Nur ein … Lire la suite

Bertha von Suttner The ‘general in chief of our little peace army’ mentioned in a newsletter of the UNESCO in January 2018 Bertha von Suttner, known as the « generalissimo of the peace movement », established the Austrian Peace Society in 1891. It aimed to prevent war, carrying out research into the  causes of conflict, promoting pacifist thinking and supporting all efforts to establish international legislation as the basis for the peaceful settlement of all international disputes. As … Lire la suite

In Covid_19 times, online teaching with reliable information becomes an aim. Here an example (1843–1914). Austrian author Bertha von Suttner popularized her quest for world peace through her many books, essays, and newspaper articles. She was a leader in several early peace societies and is credited with influencing Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in the establishment of the Nobel prize for peace. Suttner herself was awarded the prize in … Lire la suite