Jos Verhoeff
« Der bewaffnete Friede ist Bankerott » , Guido Grünewald
« Der bewaffnete Friede ist Bankerott » , Guido Grünewald
The Warnings of Jan Bloch in St Petersburg (1898), The Hague (1899) and Lucerne (1902) (Peter van den Dungen)
The Warnings of Jan Bloch in St Petersburg (1898), The Hague (1899) and Lucerne (1902) (Peter van den Dungen)
Bertha von Suttner, Ein Leben für den Frieden
Bertha von Suttner, Ein Leben für den Frieden : Click here to download the publication
Alfred Nobel’s Thoughts about War and Peace When Alfred Nobel’s will was made known after his death in San Remo on 10 December 1896, and when it was disclosed that he had established a special peace prize, this immediately created a great international sensation. The name Nobel was connected with explosives and with inventions useful to the art of making war, … Lire la suite
Bertha von Suttner in the NARCIS archives
NARCIS is the Dutch National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System Klik hier
SOUL OF FIRE – Maxi Blaha plays Bertha von Suttner
Maxi Blaha plays Bertha von Suttner (ENGLISH VERSION, live at Tokyo)
Nobel Women’s Initiative
Essays about women activists and peacemakers — by the women they’ve inspired